Overnight Mogul
Give me 5 days - I'll give you 3 clients, and a line of newly excited, high quality prospects waiting at your door
. . .without needing to spend so much as a single penny on ads!
So you've learned a valuable skill . . .
But you're still not making the kind of money that your favorite guru promised you . . .
Because skills don't sell themselves, kid.
Only effective marketing and advertising can sell like that.
So, what then, is the key to the most effective marketing and advertising?
Being able to craft a great offer.
Your first great offer will generate your first dollar.
That first dollar can then generate powerful momentum.
As we have said in online marketing for a very long time:
If you can make one dollar online, then you can make a million dollars online.
After you've created proof of concept - that is - PROOF that your concept works?
You'll need exponential momentum.
Exponential momentum comes by way of scaling that which works, and by peeling away everything that does not.
It's easy, when you know what to do.
When you don't know what to do?
Most people will fail.
For those who succeed, it can take years, or even decades to build momentum and find success!
With Overnight Mogul, students are experiencing the most powerful and exponential momentum their business has EVER seen.
With Overnight Mogul, students are finding REAL overnight success.
First You Get The Money
So you need clients? Overnight Mogul shows you how to gain three new clients, often in less than a few hours. That's MONEY.
Then You Get The Power
Social proof (testimonials) are the number one way to prove that your services provide results. Overnight Mogul gets you 12 customer testimonials in your first week! That's POWER.
Then You Get Respect.
Overnight Mogul helps you leverage every single effort from now on. Every client becomes a new testimonial, and a new product. Every product becomes another income stream. With every income stream you become less dependent on bad clients. Finally... Get the RESPECT you deserve.
Peter Thiel, legendary venture capitalist, and the brilliant mind behind companies like PayPal and Facebook, once wrote a book called, "Zero To One".
It's one of my all-time favorite business books, but...
I'll save you hours of reading by summarizing it now in just one sentence:
Thiel states that going from zero to one is the secret to billionaire-level wealth - it is the only real opportunity that truly offers anyone, from anywhere - infinite returns.
The key to these infinite returns is found in learning how to explode your momentum, your growth, and your income - from zero to one.
After that?
Successful people like us identify and develop a stripped down process that gets zero to one results without much hassle, problems, or extra effort.
To scale such momentum, we implement processes with built-in systems that not only support our growth, but that amplify and reinforce this growth as well.
This is what Overnight Mogul is all about.
I'm not going to use a bunch of the fancy copywriting, the same old bias-confirming data, or any of the manipulated charts and diagrams that you're used to.
I'm not even going to try very hard to convince you that you need this.
You either know that you need this, or you are mistaken in thinking that you do not.
I'm not here to help the permanent-skeptics nor the indecisive procrastinators.
Those kinds of people never succeed anyways because they're too caught up complaining and criticizing, instead of just getting down to focused work...
Overnight Mogul helps you to get your next three clients. THIS week.
Overnight Mogul is designed to help you kick off your business, whether new or existing - with a genuine BANG!
Instant success momentum.
There is nothing else like this on the market today, because nobody else has helped as many people...
...from as many different backgrounds and circumstances,
...from as many different industries -
...to move from zero to one, like I have.
Every single day for well over a decade.
Just like I've helped launch and amplify the results of hundreds of students and clients over the past few years?
I'm here to help you.
Overnight Mogul provides you with a step by step, color by numbers, easy-peasy and totally foolproof blueprint to ultimate success, overnight.
Overnight Mogul will show you the fastest way to instant success momentum that I've seen in the last two decades of working online.
In less than a month . . .
Hell, in less than a week . . .
...and In The Case Of Many Students -
You will have your first (or next)
three clients / students.
WARNING: Upon signing these three new paying customers, you'll have some light, yet highly leveraged momentum-building work to do.
As a part of this remarkable process - I'll show you exactly how to take those first three customers and turn them into extraordinary SOCIAL PROOF in the form of highly specific testimonials and reviews, which, once positioned properly - will automatically attract your next batch of new customers... and your next batch. ...and your next batch after that.
...and this is where most success stories turn sour and lead to burnout. *sad face*
This kind of new-found success becomes more addictive than opioids...
You'll not only want more success - you'll CRAVE it!
Some would even kill for it, lie for it, cheat for it, steal for it, or even die for it.
...but with this system, you won't have to compromise your moral integrity, your relationships, or your health to achieve success.
Overnight Mogul makes success a simple, ethical, and fun process.
This process not only pulls in customer after customer, and student after student - it will also reinforce your success in ways that no bullshit-laden "here in my garage" guru has ever been able to deliver.
These gurus simply don't, and can not see this far ahead into the game...
Because they don't even know that this level of game exists.
They're SO focused on their next hit, because that's how they were taught.
So these gurus merely keep teaching a sophisticated way of scrambling for YOUR next hit too...
Once you become dependent upon customer-money, and service-money, you start losing time...
You start losing energy...
You start losing your will to continue...
...and given a long enough time - you'll even lose your will to live.
You'll burn out exactly like the other 99% who burn out in this game of business.
You have Overnight Mogul.
Instead of giving you a flawed system that makes you break down and feel like a burned out loser?
I'm here to give you a superior system that will truly set you free.
You'll have Time Freedom.
You'll have 'Choose Who You Work With' Freedom.
You'll have Money Freedom.
Upon investing in Overnight Mogul, you'll receive a complete system that enables you to create your first irresistible information products that are 100% hype and bullshit-free.
Like I said, you'll live a life of unique and total freedom.
You'll be able to sustain long-term, easily-attained moral integrity.
You'll live in a state of total, effortless consistency.
Finally, a system with all of these things built-in, and automatically making it easier to feel awesome while becoming wildly successful!
In Overnight Mogul, I'll be showing you exactly how to market and advertise your first three products in such an efficient and easy way that you'll have your first three product sales within this very next week as well.
Three clients.
Three products.
Six streams of income.
All scalable. All reliable. All ethical.
ALL while building a massive, near-overnight reputation for yourself.
Total integrity. Total power. Total dominance.
Think of this as overnight cashflow.
Think of this as an overnight process.
This of this as overnight marketing and advertising success.
Now, if you're thinking to yourself "This can't work for me, because of 'XYZ excuse'!!!"?
You are 100% correct.
...but you MUST shed your bullshit excuses if you ever hope to become truly successful!
Check out how I helped my student Pushkaraj, from India, to do exactly this:
See, he too felt that he couldn't bring in American dollars or UK pounds because he believed, "nobody takes Indian copywriters seriously" - which unfortunately, was kind of true unless he could discover a fast way to stand out, and stand above his competitors...
See, he had the skills, and he was ready to go...
...but Push lacked the confidence, as well as the premium placement and positioning in his marketplace - until he did exactly what I taught him to do using the concepts from Overnight Mogul.
Pushkaraj needed a way to stand out. I showed him a way to do so using instant irresistible offers.
Once he applied what I unveiled to him (found in Overnight Mogul) - he signed three new clients, created three new products, and received handfuls of powerful new testimonials praising his work, all in under a week!
That fueled him bringing in MORE clients, and MORE customers the next week, and the week after that - and he's still going today... Wow!
The methods he discovered (contained within Overnight Mogul) enabled him to create his own success in the most unlikely of circumstances...
Despite Pushkaraj having one of the BEST excuses to fail EVER - he STILL found success! Incredible.
If my pal Push can do it?
Then you can do it, too.
Make your dreams come true.
With ZERO TO ONE effectiveness.
Become the BOSS level entrepreneur that you know that you can be.
Isn't it time that you stop living in a fantasy?
Step forward, and make success a reality for yourself right now.
You can get it all now, by simply pressing the "Buy Now" button below and getting started today!
Real overnight success is finally yours . . .
Here's what people like you are saying about Overnight Mogul
"Dang! What a brilliant process and way to use leverage. I've done offers before to test things out, but this is on a whole nother level."
Guillermo Rubio - Marketing Consultant

"Haha. So simple. Yet mind blowing at the same time. Already worth it."
David Rosa - Copywriter

"God damn, this is absolutely brilliant.
Thanks Shane!"
Nathan Tomlinson - Digital Marketer

"My head is spinning with ideas for this!!!"
UPDATE: "So now I have a consultation call booked Thursday with the local Democratic Candidate for the State House of Representatives!"
UPDATE 2: "Seriously...I made $1800 in two days on two clients, and have more signed up! That's more than I made at my old job in two weeks!"
Brittany Dunbeck - Dog Trainer

"See Shane, that's specifically the reason I'm here. I have NO issue providing service like this, it's just that the thought of doing it like this hadn't even crossed my mind. You literally just made my whole investment worth it. Thank you. And there's still more to learn - winning!"
UPDATE: "I used your input on the beginning of my merchandise line. I was able to get rid of my product in 2 days, my youtube jumped by 5 subs, I gained multiple more likes, views, and watch time increased.
I also opened a new line of merchandise last night - sold my first sweater for a $13.00 profit. For some, that might be chump change, but for me..... All I see is the future potential. Not sure I would be where am at without your input. Thank you."
Mario Meyers - Outdoors Trainer

"Love this. Already got some ideas swimming along in the noggin!"
BJ Pivonka - Prestigious American Attorney


If you get it and decide you can't make it work, I'll even refund your money.
All you'll have to do is try this method three times.
Do this one simple thing, and you can get your refund - no questions asked.
But, I have a feeling you'd rather just make this work, right?