Dear Ambitious Entrepreneur,
If You're Ready To Make 2024 Your Record-Breaking Year, Take A Few Minutes Now To Read The Following Letter...
This World Class Proven Private Mentor & Fractional CMO Is Currently Taking On New Clients To Help Create & Implement Industry-Dominating Marketing Strategies, Precision-Targeted Ad Campaigns, & Record-Profit Producing Sales Copy, All For Less Than The Cost Of A Minimum Wage Employee . . .
...and he's doing it with SUCH an ugly-looking letter!
You've done it! Imagine: It's December 2024 and you've just had the most amazing year.
Your bank account is flush with cash, you've got a few hundred dollar bills burning a hole in your pocket...
The money is great - kinda fucking wild-feeling, actually.
...but the thing you notice most? It's that you're not tired.
You're not exhausted. You're not overwhelmed.
You're happy! You're satisfied. You have the biggest, cheesiest grin on your face.
Why?                          ༽
Because you've got more money left over (even after taxes!) than you've ever had. All the bills are paid, you bought yourself and your significant other several fun gifts throughout the year. You've finished Christmas shopping, and under the tree is packed for 8 feet in every direction with presents. Everyone you love and care for has a great gift under that tree.
You're not exhausted, even though you did ALL this...
How Is This Possible?
How is this possible?
Well - at the beginning of 2024 - you decided to take a calculated risk.
You decided to bet on yourself, and you went all in.
First, you got yourself this mentor - who has quickly become one of your favorite people, and closest of friends.
He's helped you re-organize your life and business in a way that screams efficiency, while never once making you feel nerdy or stuffy.
You always thought getting this organized and intentional could never happen for you...
Slowly but surely, day by day, and piece by piece - it all came together.
You started working with leverage to your moves.
You started looking intentionally into your future and reverse engineering what you wanted.
You followed your mentors advice and everything started to click.
Everything started to get so much easier.
You spent most of the year in a flow state.
Nothing was able to stop you.
A few things tried, but with the help of your mentor you went through, over, under and around those obstacles faster than you ever could have on your own.
You started to like the hard stuff. The real challenges? They excited you instead of scaring you.
Because you knew - you finally had the system that worked for you - that enabled you to win and keep winning.
Going Back To School . . .
In the beginning half of the year you went back to school, in a sense.
Your mentor sent you this giant black leather book.
(What a GREAT looking textbook!)
It didn't go on your shelf to get covered in dust and forgotten like so many books before it.
Nah, you took time and went through it methodically, week after week with the help of your mentor.
The insights on marketing, advertising, copywriting, branding, positioning, audience sculpting, positioning and more...
They changed the game for you.
You went from 'okay. not bad' to legit MASTER in just a few months.
That part took a little bit of work, but it still wasn't 'hard'. Not like manual labor or customer service.
You basically read some entertaining stuff a few times a week, asked your mentor and your group of peers questions...
You learned, then you tested what you'd learned in the real world.
You'd test and sometimes you'd fail - but this year you learned something new about failure... You knew it before, but this year it really, truly sunk in...
This year, you discovered that failing isn't the big, dramatic, scary end you'd been conditioned by society to believe it is.
Nah, you now KNOW for CERTAIN that failing at something - is just a step towards winning at something.
Like Thomas Edison inventing the light bulb, you found 1,000 ways NOT to make a lightbulb, until one day - it clicked on.
The truth has never shone so bright.
December, 2024 -
So there you are. December, 2024.
This year has been your biggest, most successful, most enriching, most satisfying year of your entire life.
Everything finally clicked - and that magic you've been waiting for? Well... It finally arrived.
More money. More free time. More creativity. More time spent in flow.
You're happier. More successful, and you're FILLED with CONFIDENCE.
You see other people on Money Twitter, or wherever else - and for the first time you no longer feel even a little bit of jealousy.
You don't feel FOMO. You have no desire to hop on all of the shiny objects that flash before you on a daily basis.
You don't fear competition anymore because you can SEE exactly how your business needs to be run, for you, by you.
Results keep stacking and so does your money.
Your reputation has blossomed.
Your following grows effortlessly.
You've 'made it'.
You renew your mentorship for another year, paying for the whole thing up front to snag some delicious bonuses.
You don't flinch for even a second at paying the whole thing lump sum.
You know it works. You know the ROI is exponential. It's a no-brainer offer now and forever.
The future is bright, and the sky is the limit (for now) - but if you keep this up, maybe you'll start a competitor to SpaceX one day.
Who knows how far this goes? What you now know, however, is that it's up to you and you alone.
Nobody and nothing can hold you back. Nothing bad happens TO you. Everything happens FOR you.
Even the bad stuff. You've learned how to spin it into working in your favor.
Untouchable. Unstoppable.
You love the group of peers that you've been paired with, and have been doing your group coaching sessions with all year.
You've really become a family of like-minded, successful, ambitious, & morally upstanding entrepreneurs.
You answer eachother's questions. You help eachother along. You support eachother.
You can't WAIT for your one on one calls with Shane (your mentor). They're so important to you now.
You learn so much. You gain so much confidence. You feel validated.
You feel no stress.
You feel blessed beyond measure.
You did this. You worked for all of it.
You accomplished all of it.
You just needed some guidance, some training, and a push in the right direction.
You knew it all along.
After all this time, you've finally found your place.
You're becoming a true master of marketing, advertising, copywriting, and branding.
You feel at home as an Abrasive.
You're free.
Who is The Abrasive Entrepreneur (Shane Hunter), and Why Do I Need Him?
Shane has been working online in some capacity, starting out as a freelance web and graphic designer in 1996. That's one year before Google was a thing. Starting in 9th grade, he'd keep at it through high school. All in a time well before any social media, before apps, before iphones, smartphones, and actually several years before even cell phones would become widely used. To say he's an OG in the game of online business / internet marketing, is the understatment of the millennium.
He'd carry on with school, and online side gigs but also get deep into the swing of working in restaurants - because there were way more cute girls working at restaurants than there were in his dark bedroom creating websites.
Not heavily driven by money, the quest for cute girls won Shane over - but this wouldn't end up being a bad thing.
He'd work his way through all the various front and back of house jobs at various restaurants, from dishwasher, to line cook, to head cook in the back of house in restaurants. Then from bus boy, to host, to server, and even in a couple of instances he would end up managing restaurants. It was here he'd learn about working in teams, meeting hard deadlines under stressful conditions, and as a server - which is where he spent the most time - he'd learn the intricate, nuanced details of sales, influence, and quick wit that would become known later in his unique advertising style.
I guess the beer is on him?
He'd learn to take risks with people and push the envelope to extremes to the point that, this one time - he had a table of two parents and their son.
The parents ordered a pitcher of beer, and the kid ordered a root beer. Upon getting back to the table with the drinks, the kid would accidentally back his chair into Shane causing him to tip his tray... The whole pitcher of beer, in what seemed like slow motion, spilled directly on the head of that kid... Without a second passing, Shane said "I guess the beer is on him?".
The parents, still mortified - looked at their kid who started laughing, and they too burst out laughing. They loved how quick-witted Shane was in the moment, and the risk he took in such a volatile situation - in a hail mary attempt to deescalate the potential job-killing situation. He landed a huge 100% tip from that table. It worked, and was just one of many legendary situations where Shane would learn to use Abrasive humor to make customers love him.
Those lessons would carry on later, to when Shane would get himself involved with direct response marketing, advertising, and copywriting. It was real world lessons like this that would give Shane the edge he'd need to eventually become The Abrasive Entrepreneur and to develop proprietary methods, strategies, and positioning that would have him stand out from the hordes of boring-vanilla marketers, advertisers, and copywriters around the globe.
The American Dream
Shortly after leaving University just a few months shy of a degree - Shane would move to the United States to pursue the two simultaneous record contracts he had recently signed. He moved to the US
A) For the more abundant opportunity.
B) To Re-join the band he'd been in during his tenure at university.
Got there, but the bandmates weren't as motivated, and the music project wasn't going anywhere because of it.
Shane would double down on his hip hop projet as that was something he could pursue solo. The majority of his attention would shift towards business over music, as he'd met a girl he knew he wanted to marry. It filled him with a new mission to be a man, to provide, to not be a bum.
He started a landscaping company and quickly built it into a six figure company in his first year in business. The second year, business doubled, but so did problems and his general dislike for landscaping in a section of the world that rained with heavy overcast and cold wins for most of the year. The work sucked, but building the business was fun. Noticing this - instead of forcing himself to stay with what was working, he burned the proverbial boats and went in a new direction.
Shane started studying extra hard, consuming every book, audio, and video he could find on business.
Specifically, he focused on marketing, advertising, copywriting, and coding.
Right place at the right time - Shane would get into Internet Marketing before Internet Marketing was a mainstream thing.
Best In The world
Shane noticed the world of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) - the art and science of ranking websites for specific search terms in search engines like Google. He worked hard to begin understanding algorithms, and specifically Google's algorithm. How it worked, how sites ranked, how sites didn't rank. Green flags, red flags, and everything in between.
He would spot the opportunity for a mentorship attached to a course called SEO Networker. He applied for the contest they were having and ended up winning the course and the mentorship for free. This would give Shane the extra boost, and the focused guidance needed to climb to the very top of the industry, FAST.
Shane became the objective-best SEO consultant / agency on the planet. He ranked #1, worldwide, for every imagineable SEO-related keyword imagineable. This set him up for a meteoric rise in reputation, and income. It also gave him an opportunity that would really change his life.
Frank Kern: The Man, The Myth, The 6th Worst Surfer in SoCal...
Shane wrote a letter to Frank Kern - arguably one of the most recognizable, notable, and famous of internet marketers. This letter was on Shane's blog, which Shane would rank for the keyword phrase of, "Frank Kern". Shane ranked 1st for Frank Kern with this letter that was a very basic, cards on the table, straight-forward proposal. He said he liked Frank's work, and knew that his work could compliment and enhance Frank's work, if he was interested in discussing more Frank could contact him at the contact information provided there on the blog post.
A few months rolled by, and one day Shane's phone rang.
It was Frank Kern.
Shane hung up on him when Frank introduced himself.
Shane thought it was one of his friend's prank-calling him.
It wasnt. Thank God, Frank called back.
The scheduled a meeting, had the meeting, and history was made when they signed a contract.
Shane would work for Frank for 2 years doing reputation management based SEO. Basically he ranked the top 20 spots for the term "Frank Kern" as well as other supplemental search terms revolving around Frank's name. These top 20 spots were all positive towards Frank - so his reptuation was squeaky clean, free from the few negative reviews that existed. The project would prove pivotal to Frank's career. It allowed him to go from info-product internet marketer into serious, suit and tie marketing consultant / fractional CMO work (much bigger money, much different work and class of customer).
When Frank and Shane signed the contract, and exchange the large monthly fee - Frank looked at Shane and said, "Y'know man - what you did here? This is absolutely the greatest direct response marketing that ANYBODY has EVER used on me. Really impressive". Nervous Shane squeaked out a thanks, while inside freaking out. Shane really looked up to Frank, so everything about that first meeting was beyond epic to him.
Eventually Shane got into lead generation based SEO. He'd sell leads to the Payday Loans industry, and without any staff managed to build to an income of $4,000 - $5,000 / day. Some days were as high as $10,000.
The problem is, his results were so effective, and his methods so abrasive that he caught the attention of Google itself. Mentioned by name once by Matt Cutts (the head of Google's webspam team), and eventually the target of an entire algorithm change of Google itself.. That's right - they changed the way that Google operated at a base, root level - just to counter how effective Shane had become. They'd spend 24 hours a day targeting Shane's servers around the world and his computers at home as well. It was full out war. As a result, Shane would close up his SEO-related business and would pursue what he had been studying heavily for months: copywriting and paid advertising.
Overnight, Shane shut down his servers and disappeared from Google's sight.
Death and Rebirth
He would quickly become the bane of Facebook's existence instead.
Creating ads and pioneering strategies and tools that gave unfair advantages to his clients over the rest of the industry.
Leads and sales and attention (impressions) at such low prices many couldn't believe it.
Belief or not, his clients were LOVING it.
Stacking all of these skills over time would create something truly special in Shane.
He would become a practitioner, and later, a teacher. A legit polymath. A genuine expert in multiple arenas.
Clients were raking in the money hand over fist, and so was Shane.
He would continue to read, he studied, he watched, & he listened.
Then he practiced, then tested, then Shane knew exactly what worked and exactly what didn't.
He became known for his "Abrasive Ads" that made many gurus uncomfortable, even though it had caught their full attention in ways that no other ads had yet done for them... He was the trendsetter. The rule-breaker. The guy who knew how to find lines in the sand, in any market, and how to push those lines in such precise ways that it would cause the exact actions he wanted the market to take. New ways to pinpoint push-button like success in advertising. There was no-one like him. An artist, and a scientist in one. Other ad guys were at best - one or the other. Shane was both. His work would display a balanced mastery of the craft, never perfection, but pretty damned close.
As world-class, legendary email copywriter Ben Settle once said about Shane:
"Shane Hunter is to ads, what I am to email marketing."
As people know, Shane is a huge fan of Ben & his work. "He's one of the the brightest minds ever in all of marketing - that field only narrows when we come to the Direct Response side of marketing. Ben is elite, there are no two ways about it. It's just a fact.", Shane is quoted, saying about Ben.
Ads led Shane into studying copywriting on deeper and deeper levels. The more he'd study and apply what he'd study, the more money he would make. Direct correlation.
Shane had technically been a copywriter for all these years, in all these various businesses and industries - but he never called himself one, nor did he even think of himself as one.
Until one day the legendary Matt Furey told him to stop it. That Shane was indeed a copywriter and in a sea of fakes had a DUTY to call himself one.
Well, when someone of Furey's caliber speaks, Shane listens. A copywriter he would now be. Forevermore.
"When you start to write somewhat consistently", Shane says, "you start to notice more about your writing than you ever did before as a casual writer. You start to feel what's good, what's not, and you start to peel away things that aren't good enough. It makes you picky, but I believe it also makes you better.". You get better, but you don't really notice until it becomes obvious. No matter how good you get, you begin to realize you can always be better.
Who would've thought? A whole bunch of writing made Shane better at writing.
Crazy, right?
Time went on, Shane continued to get better.
"You're gonna Die, Dude!", his Doctor Said...
Somewhere along the line, in 2015, Shane would be involved in a major motor vehicle accident.
Shane was thrown from a white, 80's era, open-top Jeep. He'd land head first on the pavement at 40mph. Life ending impact.
The impact wouldn't kill him, but it did blow out his L5-S1 disc, a disc at the base of his spine. As well, it caused severe damage to his entire body, including his spine, massive brain trauma, a separated right shoulder, and 2 dislocated sacral joints.
There was traumatic damage to his internal organs, with special levels of hell thrust upon his vagus nerve, and to his pancreas.
His body was was shutting down, all of his systems were in critical condition.
They ambulance rushed him into surgery, because his bladder stopped working.
The surgery was rushed. The haste may or may not have contributed to what has since become diagnosed as a failed spine surgery. This came as an official post-surgical diagnosis from a doctor, around 2 years after his surgery.
He contracted a staph infection, the day before surgery by way of a mandatory, pre-surgical, hospital screening for MRSA.
Because of this particular infection, he would develop abscesses, as well as scar tissue on the spinal cord. Six months later he started developing early onset arthritis throughout his entire spine.
Shane was in rough shape, post-surgery. He'd never really physically recover.. Pre-surgery and after the accident, his pain averaged a 7 / 10, 24 hours a day. Post-surgery, we would average 9 / 10 pain, with spikes as high as 10 / 10 occuring frequently. The kind of blinding pain that comes like a jolt of electricity, gone as fast as it came, but enough energy to make your mind black out, and your body to collapse to the floor. It's been over 8 years of that for Shane. Brutal to witness, unimaginably worse to endure.
While still in the hospital, Shane made a few thousand of dollars from his actual hospital bed, while still in recovery. All thanks to some simple strategies learned from his friend & client Ben Settle. A few emails for a few thousand bucks, allwhile feeling at your worst? If Shane can do it, anyone can do it - and that's what he teaches to each of his students. Powerful.
Just days after going through the failed spine surgery Shane would board a flight to Portland Oregon, to speak at a friend's marketing event. To make a long story short - Shane has damn near died from complications, and from other active-lifestyle accidents, several times since then.
What is more important than the story of the pain he's endured, is how he decided to handle the bad news, the restricted movement, the constant pain, the migraines & the blurred vision from stigmatisms caused in the accident, the crippling spine pain if he sits at a computer for too long, his inability to work long hours like he once did, & then how to get over all of that, and still thrive, and still find ways to improve - every single day since.
Shane has gone on to continue to have elite clients, students, and projects to work on - and he's still crushing every obstacle put in front of him. Just give Shane a little time, & a few insights into your market & product?
He'll crush it for you, or he'll help you to crush it for yourself and/or your clients.
The best thing to come out of Shane's near death experiences? It prompted him to write a textbook on everything he'd learned since 1996 about business, marketing, advertising, copywriting, and more. All the secrets, all the fundamentals. The kind of insider info originally intended for family and friends only. Built to guarantee success for the reader. The Abrasive Entrepreneurs MasterClass is the definitive book on thriving in internet marketing, regardless of niche or industry.
There is a black, leatherbound, 350+ page textbook that exists in the homes of well over 100 people now.
Each of those people's lives, forever changed. Forever better.
What is Working With Shane Like?
"Working with Shane feels a lot like winning.
Non stop winning, actually.
Like, even when I fail - Shane has trained me in a very pragmatic, and stoic way to use failures as a step to success.
No woo-woo BS, I'm talking LEGIT turning losses into wins.
When we win, it's not one simple win. As Abrasives, we take our wins and we leverage them for more wins.
It all starts at giving each and every client your ALL - your BEST work.
When clients win, you win.
Not only do you avoid chargebacks and avoid having your reputation destroyed by winning all the time - but you get a customer that absolutely wants to work with you again, and again and again.
You also get a case study, where you can show the results you've achieved to new prospects.
That means gaining new clients or customers easier and faster.
You're taught how to get a testimonial - which serves as social proof.
This is one of the key secrets of Shane's "Show, Don't Tell" style of doing business.
You also help your clients to think and act the same way...
So when they get happy customers coming back, you teach the client how to actively get testimonials.
Then your clients have proof, and show instead of telling, then they sell more and more.
Everything Shane teaches to you, you pass on to your clients - and your clients love you for it.
Working with Shane is like having 20 years of experience, without needing to go through 20 years of business.
You get all of his 20+ years of experience, all of his insights, all of his wisdom - every time you hop on a call. It doesn't matter if it's a solo call or a group coaching call.
Shane takes such good care of us (his students) - I can't tell you enough how priceless his mentorship has been for me.
...and how, if you work hard, listen to him & apply what he says - just how priceless it will be for you too!
The ROI on Shane's mentorship is mind-blowing.
Not even a question of "is it worth it?" - I've been a student for 2 years now, just entering my third. As you'll see in the screenshot of my text that I sent to Shane - his help is still helping me to absolutely KILL it for clients doing e-commerce stuff. So it's not just relevant for getting clients as a freelance marketer, it is killer for e-commerce, for SaaS, for ANYTHING. It's just pure, hardcore, direct response marketing. The most effective style of measurable, quantifiable marketing in existence.
I've paid Shane a lot of money these past 2 years, but made SO much more than I would have figuring stuff out on my own, and way more than I paid Shane. Any other guru or teacher couldn't take me this far if their life depended on it. Shane has so much experience in this game, it's impossible for any guru, influencer, or teacher to even compare.
A few focused minutes with Shane will transform and improve your business. So, you may not have instant access to him 24/7 as he's often very busy and in-demand. You will however, as I know from experience - get enough chances just with group coaching and with one on one calls. Add in the Telegram group? You are well taken care of. Hell, I'm in that Telegram group to answer questions too. Value stacked on value, piled on value. Real value.
You get to ask him all the questions that you want and need answered. The ones that you just can't figure out yourself. The quesitons that have you stuck. The questions where you're not 100% confident and clear on the direction you should take...
On calls, you'll tell him what's going on in your business, and he'll show you stuff that you didn't even think about that will help you win 10x more than you ever would have alone.
He sees mistakes before they happen, that you had no idea you were about to make.
He stops you and shows you, so that you can make a decision.
Trusting him always works out better than trying to do it 'my way'.
I've learned 'my way' is inexperienced. Wheras 'his way' has almost as much experience as I have years of life.
He shows you what to look for, and what choices there are to make.
He tells you why the right way is the right way, and why the wrong ways are not the best, or why they're even flat out wrong and why you must avoid them.
He doesn't always tell you what to do, he typically gives you options and allows you to choose.
He's saved me from embarrassment on more than one ocassion.
Rest assured if he does tell you to do something, or how to do something - and doesn't give a reason?
That what he's telling you is absolutely the best course of action.
Sometimes the best course of action is obvious to everyone but you the client or student, because you're so deep down in it.
You cannot see the forest for the trees.
Shane sees all the trees, and the forest, because he's been there before. Many times.
He only wants what is best for you. (Because that's what is best for him) He rigs the game so everyone wins when anyone wins.
He's saved me from myself on more than one ocassion.
When you get your hands on the MasterClass - you get all of the fundamentals to running a successful business, using life-changing marketing, advertising, branding, and copywriting.
You learn pivotal direct response-style secrets that forever change the way you look at everything business-related.
When you study this big black book enough (I've read it twice, and am now reading it a third time) - you start to see yourself separate from the pack, distance yourself from the herd, and rise above the industry's best competition.
You start to see why most businesses don't make it, you can see the ones who will in as obvious as a way as you see the one's who will not. You see it well ahead of anyone else. Somehow Shane still sees it faster.
Seeing is believing.
You have a choice to make. Do we continue to do things the idiotic way with desperate hope that we'll get validation from our peers for being just like them, and failing? You can choose to let the crabs keep you down in the bucket... OR you can get OUT of that damned bucket, and win in ways that others will tell you is impossible.
It's all just bullshit-mindf*ck COPE that people use to feel better about being average. To justify not going for it.
To feel better about accepting failure and denying success.
Don't fall for it. Instead?
Become Abrasive.
Moving up from where you are now to where you WANT to be? It's the best feeling in the world.
You get used to that feeling when you dare to do business the Abrasive way." ~ Ronaldo Del Duca
How Do You Make 2024 Your Best Year Yet?
Currently it costs $2,000 / hour to book Shane for a private consult call if you're not a student in his mentorship program.
The Abrasive MasterClass by itself commands a worthwhile investment of $5,000 if you're not a student in his mentorship program.
How fortunate for you, that there are still a few spots remaining in this mentorship program.
There are only 10 spots total for this program and Shane has limited time to work one on one with students this year.
There will be only one enrollment period for this entire year, and that period is right now.
No other chances. No other way.
Thankfully Shane has made this the most affordable year in nearly a decade of providing mentorship for students.
What You're Getting:
Time With Shane:
1 one on one call every month until January 2025. ($2,000 / month value)
1 group coaching call every month until January 2025. ($1,000 / month value)
Access to our Telegram group chat. Talk to your classmates, network, make deals, help eachother. Ask questions. Get help. Shane will also come in a few times a week to answer questions that aren't answered to perfection by classmates. ($500 / month value)
Physical Books:
1 physical copy of The Abrasive Entrepreneur's MasterClass. ($5,000 value)
1 phyiscal copy of The Final Fight, The Abrasive Mindset book. ($8 value)
Digital Copies Of The Following:
Abrasive Boosted Posts - How to Create Abrasive Ads using FB. This training will give you everything you need to run ads on any platform, but it uses Facebook for the training. ($1,000 value)
Strangest Internet Secret - How to build a list and following that is chomping at the bit to devour your offers. ($1,000 value)
Write Supremacists - The exclusive Ben Settle intreview. How to sell to lists and audiences with ease. These are all the questions that only somone who truly knows Ben would know to ask. The questions only someone who has voraciously consumed Ben's trainings over the years could think of. You cannot miss this training. This is the only way to get this training. ($1,000 value)
Overnight Mogul - Discover the Abrasive secret to getting 3 Clients, creating 3 products, and receive 6 testimonials, overnight. ($1,000 value)
Abrasive Consultations - This a collection of 23+ hours of over the shoulder Zoom consult calls. You'll discover through immersion, the Abrasive way to hold Zoom consult calls that command as much as $2,000 / hour. You'll also learn common questions & solutions to problems that online entrepreneur's at all stages of experience and success will encounter. ($3,000 value)
$3,500 / month recurring value
$12,008 in one lump sump of value.
Spreading this over 12 months (like this mentorship program is structured) and it would have come out to:
$4,500.67 / month
or a grand total value of:
This math is just using the current non-mentorship prices for each of my programs and services.
I realized going into this year, in very tumultuous economic times that charging people $54k wasn't going to cut it.
But doing it for much less didn't make much sense for me - as I could make far more with indivudal clients.
So, long story short again - I made the price as cost-effective as possible, without taking up all of my personal time.
That's why this mentorship program is now only:
$1,000 / month for a 12 month period.
If, past that you want to stick around as many of my mentees choose to do, we'll renegotiate terms and pricing at that time.
For this new low monthly price - you're getting The MasterClass and the group coaching ($8,000 as a package) that I've previously offered, but you're now also getting one on one time. 12 hours of it, or $36,000 worth. So previously the absolute BEST you could get this much of my personal time, and all of my trainings, as well as the group coaching for was $44,000.
We're nowhere near that cost now - and it's likely shooting myself in the foot - but we're doing it.
I've committed to this for a year. If it works, I'll keep going. If it sucks to do for me, I won't offer it again next year.
So - you get all of this for only $1,000 a month.
It's a no brainer offer so go ahead and snag one of the remaining 10 spots.
3 spots have already been sold to ambitious students who couldn't wait for the cart to open.
So that means there are only 7 spots. No, this isn't a fake number. 10 students, and the cart is programmed to close.
No more will be sold. So come get one of the remaining 7 spots so 2024 doesn't turn into just another average or bad year.
You have a brighter future than everyone else in this industry.
You have an intentional future.
It all starts with saying YES To Abrasive.