Abrasive MasterClass & Coaching Application

Abrasive Application

[1 / 7] What is Your First Name?

[2 / 7] What Is Your Best Email Address?

[3 / 7] Which coaching option are you most interested in?

1. Group Coaching (via Zoom) [1 Month: Accelerated]
2. Group Coaching (via Zoom) [Over 4 Months]
3. One on One Coaching (via Zoom) [1 Month: Accelerated]
4. One on One Coaching (via Zoom) [Over 4 Months]
5. One on One (Live & In-Person Private Weekend Session) + Group Zoom

[4 / 7] Tell me about your business. What do you do? How long have you been doing it? What are your goals? What is your current income? What is your goal income (6 months, 1 year, 5 year)?

[5 / 7] Why do you want to join Abrasivism? What do you hope to learn? How did you find Abrasivism? How long have you been following Abrasivism (and/or Shane Hunter)?

[6 / 7] How much money are you able and willing to invest today, in order to grow your online business over the next 12 months?

1. $12,000+
2. $5,000 - $11,999
3. $2,500 - $4,999
4. $0, I'm broke and plan on staying that way!

[7 / 7] If you are determined a great fit for this program, would you like to use our 3rd Party funding to fund the program?

1. Yes
2. No

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